Leni’s Nursery

  1. Lynn says:

    My daughter told me this mother’s day that she is pregnant…We are all so excited. I like following your blogs to get ideas for her…. so thank you….. and Leni Bow is so dang cute.!!!

  2. Diane says:

    Such WONDER ful ideas and so sweet to pass your ideas onto us. I love your theme and the way you decorated the nursery. I love EVERYTHING about you Leni Bow and Tim! You and your family help teach us Positivity Courage and above all Love! “And now abideth Faith, hope, charity, these three; but the greatest of these is charity.”

  3. Shasta Danielson says:

    Love her room! I have 2 boys and both have outdoor themes and same with you did most my self. My oldest has more the hunting theme and youngest has fishing. It is so much fun decorating these kiddos rooms (especially while they can’t argue what they want haha)

  4. Brandi says:

    Skincare and makeup routine please!! ?

  5. Katelyn says:

    Hobby Lobby is my FAVE. They’re bringing one to Lancaster, Pa soon and we are pumped! No more hr long roadtrips! Love this look. I’ve put a wreath around one of euro mounts before, but this floral is beautiful!

  6. Erin Shafer says:

    Family! I love reading about your lifestyle ❤️

  7. Megan Copeland says:

    I will say I love your ideas and have always wanted to do this with a girl but now that mine is 9 years old back then the decorations they had wasn’t as good. And then we got our boy who is 4 and it’s wll about hunting and outdoors in his room. But I must say if I had a girl and could do it all over again I would defientley do some decorating like you. We have a lot of the same interests and your truly an inspiration. Love following you ?

    • Megan Copeland says:

      Also if I could tell you want I would want you to write about more it would be your family trips or even your hunting journeys would be fun to hear about ?

  8. Sherry says:

    I love Leni’s room but what I love most is how you do things the way any normal mama would, herself. It’s easy to buy things but making them yourself means so much more. ?

  9. Jennifer says:

    Adorable room! I second the recliner idea! We bought a recliner the last month of my pregnancy so I could actually sleep….. I was giant and very uncomfortable! Then used it so much the first year after our son was born. Read books and rocked the little man to sleep….some very fond memories of that ? honestly, everything you blog about is intriguing. You could blog about clipping your fingernails and I’d read it lol.

  10. Ashlee says:

    Love Leni’s nursery, Eva! I, personally, would love to hear how you stay so productive while traveling (along with your duties as mama and wife)!

  11. Krista says:

    I would love to see a blog about your favorite/ most useful products you and Tim have used as first time parents. From the newborn stage up to now, all recommendations are welcome! Whether they were for you, Tim, or Leni.

    Thank you!!

  12. Steph says:

    When you move into the new house and have to rehang them invest in those 3M Velcro strips! *amazing* for gallery walls because you can play with it a bit until it’s perfectly level and spaced right!

  13. Courtney says:

    I’d love to hear about hunting trips/stories! Do you ever get to hunt without camera men around, just you and your dad? Do you get all of your animals mounted? Loved reading all of your hunting stories in your book!

  14. Amanda Saul says:

    You are my hero and I would LOVE to see a blog about hunting while pregnant. I will be 7 months for our hunt and I’m not worried but would be greatful for any and all advice.

  15. Rachael says:

    My daughter is about a month older than Leni and we are also in the process of building a new house. I’ve been so looking forward to this blog post because I am most definitely stealing these ideas and decorating her new room this way! Thank you for sharing so much of your life with us!

  16. Dani says:

    Beautiful nursery! And while you feel like it was thrown together, it flows so beautifully and has such a gorgeous feel to it!
    When you move to your new place though, look at the command strip picture hangers, they have saved my sanity more than once when trying to achieve symmetry on a photo wall/gallery ?

  17. Brooke says:

    Diy projects are my go to! I absolutely love what you did with the euromount. I recently went to a crafts store and made a wreath for my mom for mother’s day! You did amazing. ❤

  18. Tiffany says:

    I would love to hear about you’re pregnancy! Work outs, eating plans, any prep you did for hunts, maternity clothes you loved, thanks!

  19. Sue says:

    Hi Eva, I truly enjoy everything you write about because it makes me feel like I can still be part of Tim’s life – thank you so much for sharing your photos and stories! I’ve been meaning to send him a note about the beard – he’s no longer in the playoffs so what’s going on with that? 🙂

  20. Tootie says:

    I’d like to hear about when and who inspired you to love the outdoors and hunting. I’m sure your dad fits in there somewhere. However, you don’t have to give him too much credit! He’s so full of himself already!

  21. Ashlee says:

    Your workout routine – curious how much weight you are lifting in your routines too. From the pics I’ve seen, you are one tough chick.
    Also makeup would be fun

    • Eva Shockey says:

      Hi Ashlee,

      Thanks for reading and for the great ideas! Stay tuned and be sure to subscribe, as I plan to cover those topics in upcoming blogs!


  22. Cassie Hubbard says:

    Favorite Makeup products/ Hair tutorials & more of outfit links

  23. Mikayla T says:

    I’m elbows deep in designing my baby girl’s nursery, and need some quick help on searching for some wall art print designs like the ones you found!! Do you remember what you searched or how you found them as a set/ customizable??

  24. Nicole says:

    Blog about your birth story! I love reading celebrity blogs of that as a mommy myself!

  25. […] you can update with the seasons if you choose to! My inspiration was from Eva Shockey and her nursery for her baby girl. Miss Leni’s room is much cuter, but I like ours too! Eva glued her […]

  26. Angela says:

    Wondering where the antler pillow came from!?


  27. […] I am currently setting up my new office in one of our spare bedrooms and I knew I wanted to incorporate my European deer mount into the décor. I had seen floral crown European deer mounts on Pinterest before, but I was really inspired by the one Eva Shockey made for her daughter Leni’s nursery. […]

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