Welcome to My Life!

  1. Tim Brent says:

    Looks Great!!!

  2. Amanda M says:

    This blog is long overdue! Thank you for sharing with us!!

  3. Sarah says:

    Love it can’t wait to keep following! And seeing everything you have in store love everything you do, it’s great to see you inspire women to hunt and just be outdoors more

  4. Brianna Breshears says:

    Eva I just have to say I’ve never really looked up to anyone until I heard about you! I recently bought a bow on Saturday and have your release coming in the mail! You inspired me and let me tell you it’s been awesome! Keep it up girl.

  5. Michaela Lilleberg says:

    Glad to see you are doing this, Eva! You are an inspiration for so many (including myself)! 🙂 I really am looking forward to reading your blogs! Sending love from ND to you and your beautiful family!

  6. Jessica Hamilton says:

    Beautiful Family! Looks like it’s going to be a fun blog! Best wishes and I look forward to more posts!

  7. Emily Kowalski says:

    Eva, I’m soooo excited about your new blog! Ever since I heard/discovered you, I feel that I found an older version of myself. You’ve helped me find who I truly am, and that loving the outdoors isn’t something to be ashamed about just because I’m a girl. I would love if maybe you started a Youtube channel, but I know you’re very busy. I’d love for you to blog about some of your routines… makeup, cleaning, morning routine, night routine. I’d also love to read about your fashion favorites, and overall just get to see you in your daily life! Thank you for teaching me to take aim, and to shoot that shot.

    Emily 🙂

  8. Ashley Krogstad says:

    Yay, I am so excited for this and can’t wait to read more! Congrats on your new venture girl! Xo

  9. I love this Eva!!!! In a world where there are so many negative things, it’s a breath of fresh air to have you as an influencer!

  10. Hi Eva!!! This is Taylor Blanchard, I enjoy the outdoors just as much as you! I’m 12 years old and enjoy hunting turkey, deer, pheasants, and I went bear hunting, shot and missed.
    I would love to meet you sometime, but I live in Iowa so it’s a little hard.
    Taylor Blanchard
    P.S. I love your bedding line ( especially hinterland ) and I hope my mom gets it before it sells out!

  11. Mandy Koktiska says:

    Aww, Congratulations!! Love following you on Instagram and super excited to follow your blog!! 🙂

  12. Kelly Corbier says:

    I am so excited for you ..i love following your work!! Now when will you post your cooking recipies!!??

  13. Karla Matson says:

    Yes! I’ve been waiting eagerly for this blog of yours and I can’t wait to see more from you! I love watching your Instagram stories and posts and seeing how you live and manage such a fantastically blessed and chaotic life! I’m not fussy about topics to see, I’ll read/watch and love them all equally. Thank you for being so amazing and sharing yourself with us!

  14. Cori Jackson says:

    I am so glad this blog is finally up! I love following along with you and your family and hunting! So excited for all the new things headed your way, and to read about them all first hand! Keep on being you, Eva! You’re my idol! ❤️

  15. Diane Tatum says:

    We Thank God for you and your Sweet Soul and Inspiration!
    Good blogger too! Enjoyable to read!

  16. Kimberlyn says:

    I would like to see your recipes and where you get all of your clothes from!

  17. Stephanie Bechtol says:

    I am so excited for this blog! I am not a huntress but my daughter is. She gave me your book to read and I thoroughly enjoyed it. It made it easier to follow and understand her love for the hunting world. You made it relatable and applicable to the non huntress. Thank you!

  18. Krista Clark says:

    Recipes ,workouts, where you get your clothes & workout clothes!

  19. Pamela says:

    What makeup products do you use? A tutorial of how you apply yours

  20. Emily says:

    I would love to hear about your makeup/hygiene routine while you’re out hunting/camping. I’ve been out a few times and I wonder how you always look flawless!

  21. So excited for you to
    Start this blog! You are an inspiration and I truly love following you. xx

  22. Rebecca Richards says:

    Eva you are one awesome lady… I gained so much respect from you reading your book. You are an inspiration to all of us lady hunters

  23. Megan Case says:

    Keep up the good work! You’re the only female “celebrity” that I consider influential in me. You are so inspiring with setting goals, posting failures, and my favorite- an outdoors woman/hunter. Thank you for reminding me that being a mom is awesome, tough, and though we would all love to spend every waking moment with our little one, it’s also important to let go to keep this thing called life moving in a forward pace. And to show our babies our strength and courage in doing so. Amen sista!! ?

  24. Sierra LaDam says:

    I would love to have you tell us where you go all your outfits from!! I absolutely love your style and want so many of your outfits!!! Please please please spill the beans on everything!!!

  25. Mary-Grace says:

    I’m so excited about your blog!! You are such an inspiration and I love your personality! Archery is something I would love to hear more about! Techniques, practice tips, anything archery would be awesome! Thank you!

  26. Yay! Looks great girl!

  27. LisaRenee’ says:

    Eva I wish To Thank You From My Heart For The Encouragement You Gave Me A Couple Of Years Ago On A Post On FB That I Could Be A Successful Hunter At The Olden Age Of 57. I Am Almost 59 And Have Accomplished Harvesting My Missouri Whitetail Buck And A Doe. This Year I Am Going For My First Turkey. I Am Glad You Have This New Blog Going ?

  28. Tasha says:

    I have to say this is the first blog I have subscribed to. I listened to the podcast you did with the Gritty Bowmen the other day and I loved the way you talked about life with Leni and the importance of advocacy for hunting/conservation. I am also a first time mom to a spunky 16 month old baby girl, Piper Sage. Hunting has become a passion of mine and it’s great to have a real female in the industry to aspire to. There aren’t many relatable women out there that are hunters, moms, and love home decor! *I’m hoping to see some wild game recipes!

  29. Kristina Anderson says:

    Awesome! Love following you on Instagram and this is just an added bonus! I just became a mom in January and recently went back to work. I’d love to hear about how you balance your family life, work life and time in the woods/fields hunting. Thank you and I can’t wait for more posts!!

  30. Valerie Hopkins says:

    I’m so excited that your blog is up! I love following you on Instagram! I would love to see fashion, receipes and reviews of your favorite hunting products.

  31. Aaron says:

    Finished your book about 2 weeks ago. It was great! My 8 year old daughter has been asking to watch Jim and Eva’s hunting videos on YouTube ever since I told her about the stories in your book. Where can we watch the show if we don’t get The Outdoor Channel?

  32. Sarah says:

    Yay! Your such an inspiration, thanks for that

  33. Eva!! I have been waiting so long for this blog, congratulations on another incredible milestone in your life journey! Words cannot express how much of an inspiration and idol you are to me! I am a 21 year old hunter from Nova Scotia, Canada, and I just started last year at 20; roughly the same time you started. I also hunt with my father and now my fiancé, but there are no women in my life to share this passion with besides you! Thank you for sharing your passion and inspiring many others like myself. I’m halfway through your book now loving every minute of it, can’t wait for more to come! <3

  34. Beautiful! Well done! Can’t wait for more

  35. Amber Knowlton says:

    Congratulations friend!!!! So excited for all the things to come. Especially the house project ?

  36. Todd Parker says:

    Great job, looking forward to more.

  37. Renita says:

    I’ve long looked up to you since my dad turned on outdoor channel and there was this girl killing it on a moose hunt in the Yukon! 7 years I’ve been loving everything you do and can’t wait for the blog! Thanks for being my biggest female role model in the outdoor field ❤❤

  38. Amanda D. says:

    Super excited to read about even more of the adventures you and your family are so blessed to have. Keep up the great work.. your an inspiration to so many.

  39. Olivia Matthews says:

    Would love to see some wild game recipes!

  40. Jamie Campbell says:

    Yay. So happy to hear. Good luck mama.

  41. Jaren Boterf says:

    Hey Eva! I’m super excited to continue to follow your blog! Congrats on your new adventure!

  42. Alyssa Crane says:

    This is great! Can’t wait to hear more! I am particularly interested in what workouts you do to keep your shoulders and arms in shooting shape during the off season.

  43. Audra says:

    I would love to hear about your workout plans for such a busy life! It would be so helpful!!

  44. Ivey says:

    So glad you’re doing a blog!! Just love following a strong woman who is passionate about the outdoors! I just got into hunting about 4 years ago when my husband introduced me to the sport and I instantly fell in love! There is truly nothing like the great outdoors and knowing what you are feeding your family! Can’t wait to see what’s coming for you, hopefully another book ??

  45. Lorie Lipinski says:

    Hi Eva,
    What dry shampoo do you use?

  46. Kyla says:

    Eva! I am so excited for your blog!!! I would love to read a blurb on your favourite outdoor wears! (Thermals,base layers, head scarfs etc!)

  47. Jessie says:

    Do you use scent blocking products when you bow hunt? Would you consider doing a blog on those & cold weather clothes you use? It’s been so hard to products specifically for women!!

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