What I’ve Learned as a Mama

  1. Jane rouse says:

    God bless you are a wonderful example to other young moms and so right God have you Leni Bow and he dose not make mistakes. Follow his path you are doing great!

  2. Steph Veen says:

    Thank you Eva for another great blog. Love hearing your perspective on things, and your right bein a momma to two little girls I’ve leaned on prayer more then ever before. Any fave Christian / momma podcasts you listen to?

  3. Cierra Leavitt says:

    So good Eva! I especially loved the part where you said, “no one is a better mama for Leni then me.” With being in school, working and having a newborn I constantly feel like I am failing my toddler, Prayer is a constant in my day not just because I love it, but because I am in constant need of God’s help to make sure my overtired cranky butt doesn’t overrun how my toddler needs to be loved and parented. Thanks for sharing girl!

  4. Melissa Sergent says:

    You are a great inspiration!

  5. Mariah Palmer says:

    Love this! It is hard being a Momma, but there are so many moments and days we wouldn’t trade for the world! Leni is beautiful and you’re doing amazing!

  6. Sarah says:

    Being a mama is hard and being a mom is different for everyone and my way vs hers doesn’t mean ones better than the other. Just different and that’s ok.
    I think we can all agree if in one big room, all the moms are doing what they think is best for your their child and does it with much love in their hearts (whatever may that be).

  7. Amanda Norton says:

    I really needed this today! I’ve been struggling with mom guilt for awhile as I am going to school to pursue my nursing degree. I feel like I don’t spend alot of time with my daughter because I’m always studying or doing homework. I am trying my best to balance both world but it seems like I never can!

  8. Megan says:

    Preach!! Great words to all the mamas out there from one GREAT mama!

  9. Brian Smith says:

    I think you’re doing a great job momma. Leno is adorable my wife and love seeing her grow on Instagram. We lovingly refer to her as our Instagrandaughter. Lol. We have granddaughter that turn 2 in September. So it’s neat t watch both kids grow.

  10. Kaitlyn McCall says:

    I have never needed one of your blogs more than I needed this one, specifically this morning. Thank you for being such an Idol, my inspiration for what I want to achieve in my future and always being so truthful with everything you do and love.

  11. You’re so awesome! Thanks for sharing your testimony about God and Jesus with us! YOU ARE BOLD AND COOL! AND WILL BE BLESSED. Love!

  12. Leanna Williams says:

    I love how you ended it “love like Leni & Jesus do” – it made me tear up! I love your blogs!

  13. Sandy says:

    So true praying helps and Leni is adorable love seeing her updates and All your recipes. I love cooking and that healthy way so any recipes please post. Send Leni a ????Happy Birthday ?

  14. Sherry Liguori says:

    You are an amazing mom just by seeing your posts and knowing how much you put family first. That’s all you can do each and every day. Do your best, which some days probably won’t even feel like you are trying but at the end of the day just know that you are a great woman. Like you said, Keep on Keepin’ on! Pray hard and love without end. >——>

  15. Sarah Cummings says:

    This is so inspiring! I have to admit that it’s kinda hard to stop comparing ourselves to others when it comes to parenting. But you’re right, we’re the only one who can love and take care of our children in our own unique ways. Great post! 🙂

  16. KT says:

    Hair and makeup tutorial next!! I feel like I’ve really let myself go after becoming a mom. Our daughters are a little over a month apart and so much alike!

  17. Ashleigh says:

    As a mom of a 15 month old baby girl I can relate so so so much to this blog post. So id just like to say…
    1. I seriously love your blog and Insta storties. They give me inspo and encouragement.
    2. Who doesn’t love Leni bo-bo?
    3. Your love for Jesus encourages me to be more of an outspoken Christian that is not afraid to COMPLETELY rely on God.

    Thanks for being you Eva. ❤

  18. Monica says:

    Eva! I heard you on the Dana show a few weeks ago and started reading your blog. THANK YOU for the beautiful reminders that we can’t be perfect and we just gotta keep on keepin on. Thank you for giving me the little boost I needed this week. Baby #2 is on the way for us with an almost 11 month old…some days I don’t know how I will do it, but with LOVE and Jesus I will be the best mama to my babies 🙂

  19. Tracy Marques says:

    Did you know when your child is 2, you can predict their adult height!!??

    Very COOL !! How tall could LENI BE >>


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