My Jean Short Bible

  1. Mya Cyr says:

    It’s been bouncing between 70’s and 90’s here in Northern Maine

  2. Tracy Radford says:

    I love your style!! What brand of jean shorts are these? ♥️

  3. Crystal York says:

    I Eva I’m from Chewalla Tn. The post office and restaurant are in the same building lol that how small a place it is ..

  4. Betty DeMers says:

    Thanks from Montana for the summer info, Eva. I’m at the World Deer Expo this weekend, do hope to meet you!

  5. Shilou Cote says:

    Nice shorts options Eva. The few I choose to order don’t have my size and actually appear not to carry above a size 30 waistline. I’ve had 3 children and my hips require more of a 32 for breathing room. (I too get hyperpigmentation on my face and forgot the name, so thank you for sharing your unfun sun risk.) – Shilou

  6. I’m from Toronto, Ontario. Btw, the purse link doesn’t work!

  7. Misty says:

    Thank you from MN! I’m one who constantly asks you on Instagram where your shorts are from. ??‍♀️ ??‍♀️

  8. Kerri says:

    Thanks so much for posting your faves! You have the cutest style. Might have to copy you on a few of these. See you in B’ham!

  9. Dayna DeMarest says:

    love love love!!! I bought the black ones and I’m a little curvier so typically dont wear shorts and these make me feel great!

    Thank you
    Outdoor girl that hunts & fish from MI

  10. Alissa says:

    Born and raised in Red Deer Alberta and now living on a beautiful ranch on the Rocky Mountain front in Montana!! …Thank you for sharing your secrets!!!!

  11. Belinda says:

    Siwy jean shorts are the best ever . . .

  12. Andrea says:

    From Shelton, Washington! And I was just telling my BF that we need to get to Vancouver Island asap. It’s just a ferry ride away for us, can’t wait!

  13. Marquee W says:

    I love this post, I love you and your style! I cannot wait to try out this shorts! Thank you for sharing <3 – Utah

  14. Meagan says:

    McBride, British Columbia

  15. SO cute! Thanks for sharing! I ordered a few! From South Dakota, here!! 🙂

  16. Janey Lowes says:

    Love it!!! Love your style, love your vibe and love your lifestyle!! ❤️❤️ Lincolnton, Georgia

  17. Julie Joy says:

    I agree, can’t go wrong with jean shorts and a tee shirt! Thumb of Michigan here! ❤️

  18. Tracey Sistrunk says:

    Would you do a blog for your stuffed bell pepper recipe?

  19. Krista Magnussen says:

    You wore a pair of bandit style beige colored ones awhile back… could you share where those ones are from? I’m obsessed with this style! Thanks Eva!

  20. Brittany Baldwin says:

    Hi Eva!
    I will be ordering for sure. Here in Happy Valley-Goose Bay, Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada, we get summers as hot as 40 degrees celsius (but only last 2 months) and winters as cold as -40 degrees celsius (that last 6 months).
    Thanks for the share, always look forward to your blog posts 🙂

  21. Samantha says:

    You MUST share your skin care routine and makeup you use for hyperpigmentation/melasma! Please! ?

  22. taylor says:

    northern ontario and it was 9 degrees Celsius yesterday haha.

  23. Stephanie says:

    Love the outfits! It’s been in the low to mid 80s this week in Stanwood, Washington. Needless to say, me and my lil girls have been spending lots of time outside and in the water!

  24. Seleni says:

    I live in Columbia, NC, close to Hyde County and about 45 minutes away from the Outer Banks. (You should totally come to the Outer Banks by the way, let Leni play in the Sand). The weather has been HOT HOT HOT! Upper mid 90’s to upper 90’s. (Not a huge difference from Raleigh’s). This short blog post is AMAZING!! I have been searching for jean shorts that cover my hiney and that don’t give me a camels toe LOL!! Shorts with good coverage are hard to find nowadays. If you find more!! Please post!! :))

  25. Tanya Spencer says:

    These are awesome outfits for here in New Brunswick! Love the classic tee, and aviators. 23C here today in BEAUTIFUL Chipman. Enjoy the rest of your summer, Eva!!

  26. kelsie says:

    When I click on the photos it brings me to Pinterest. Not the website?

  27. kristi reed says:

    Omg so glad I finally had time to read this blog. I haven’t bought a good pair of jean shorts in forever because I can never find a good fit, having the same problem of big thighs, big booty, and little waist. THANK YOU!

  28. Amanda says:

    Very nice! I am addicted to wearing jean shorts and I can’t wait to try them. Thanks a lot for sharing.

  29. Lisa says:

    Love this collection! Shorts are one of the most versatile summer staples that belong in everyone’s wardrobe. These shorts look so cute and stylish. I’m obsessed to wear jean shorts. Thanks for sharing.

  30. Signet Ring says:

    Lovely collection! Jeans shorts are one of the most versatile summer staples that belong in everyone’s wardrobe. These shorts looks are so cute and stylish. I want to try them. Thanks for sharing.

  31. Tsport says:

    Nice styles! I love to wear denim shorts, and I would love to try these shorts from your collection. Thanks for sharing.

  32. Amanda says:

    I absolutely love these looks! These denim shorts are so cool and stylish and one of my favorite outfits. Thanks for sharing the great article.

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