April 9, 2018
It’s finally happening!!! Tim and I have lived in eight houses and three countries in the past five years, and we are finally ready to settle down and hang some pictures on the walls. Tim was a professional hockey player for 12 years, so between his career that moved him around after every hockey season, and my job that basically had me living out of a suitcase as I traveled the world and hosted the TV show, we could not be happier to finally pick a spot and stay here; especially now that we have our baby girl, Leni Bow.
Both of us are Canadians (Tim’s from Ontario, I’m from British Columbia) and all of our family is back home. So people always ask us how the heck two Canadians ended up in Raleigh, North Carolina. Fair question. It all started a few years back when Tim played for the Carolina Hurricanes (the NHL team in Raleigh), and since then he always LOVED the southern charm and culture of the Carolinas. I had only been there twice: the first time was the day we met and the second time was for our first date a year later (I’ll get to that story on another blog).
Fast-forward four years, a marriage, and a pregnant wife later, we found ourselves house hunting in Tim’s old stomping grounds. Since I was 6 months pregnant and starting to “nest” (that’s a real thing for pregnant mamas!), we quickly picked a house in a cute neighbourhood and made the move from “No Fixed Address” to Raleigh, North Carolina, y’all!
However, not long after we moved in to suburbia, we realized we desperately needed to move out to the country. We both love privacy and trees and space to run around. Not to mention we want to step outside our back door and be able to shoot our bows without our neighbours thinking we’re crazy! We want Leni to play in the mud and get dirty and love being outside in the fresh air.
So we found 15 beautiful acres in the woods outside of town, and I couldn’t be more excited that we’re starting the process of building our forever-home!! We’ve finished the drawings, cleared our lot, and we should be breaking ground within a month or two! This is the first house we’ve built so I know it’s going to be more work than I could ever imagine, but every time I picture us walking through the big, open-plan kitchen or Leni playing in the trees in the backyard, it all seems like it’s worth it.
We visit the land a lot even though there’s nothing on it yet. Leni and I love driving down the muddy driveway and putting on our jackets (it’s on sale right now on the Cabela’s site – click on the link!) and rain boots (my boots are old but I LOVE these and these from Cabela’s) and getting dirty. Seeing how much she LOVES playing in the dirt and running around makes me feel even more confident that we’re making the right decision for our family.
We’re building a ranch-style home (all one level) with a big vaulted living room that’s open into the kitchen with heavy wood beams along the ceiling. We love clean, simple homes, so we’re trying to stick to that as much as we can. I have so many more details to share, but I’ll save that for another blog.
For now, we have a lot of work to do and a lot of decisions to make, but I can’t wait to keep you guys up to date with the progress!!! Right now we’re looking at an end date of 14-16 months from now…here’s to hoping!
Have you ever built a house or done major home renovations? If you have any tips or advice to offer, please comment them below!! This mama will take all the help she can get!
Photos by Jennifer Wilson Photography
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Eva: we built our home about a year ago now. The building process is a lot of work but it’s so worth it in the end! We have settled on about 10.5 acres in the country as well. We love having the kids run about. Our home is a two story open kitchen dining and great room. Can’t go wrong with all the openness! Happy building ?
We recently purchased 17 acres with 11 acres being woods with a creek. We just built a house on it and moved in January. We are in love. We have 2 little boys and we want them to be able to be boys! Get dirty, Hunt, play together, and just be outside! I loved reading this blog because it’s very similar to our dreams. The house building was stressful as times but our builder was very good about walking us through everything and we had time to pick things out, decide, etc. We love our new home and can’t wait until we can get outside this summer! It’s such a fun thing, congratulations and good luck. You inspire me everyday, thank you so much ?
You can never have too many closets. Wall treatments are a fun and inexpensive way to make a room unique. Keep the same tones throughout the house but set rooms apart with pops of color. Be patient and have fun!
As a professional designer I can only say this, make sure the build does not cause fights. I have seen divorce happen from design & build of a home. Work together to pick all the fixtures, colours & materials. Listen to your designer & builder as well.
I have only built one house so far that is ours, but have designed more than I can count (my focus now is on commercial buildings).
Enjoy the build and I would love to see the plans & watch the progress of the build.
I can’t wait to see yalls new home! I’ve visites the Carolina’s before and they are gorgeous! I may have to talk hubby into moving lol
Love following your journey. I myself am a wife to a hard-working husband and a 15 month old baby boy. I’m only about 30 minutes away from your land in Raleigh, live on a horse farm, and would love to get together for a play date!! House planning is hard work but it’s SO worth it. Keep up the good work. Love your show and your dad. You’re the true definition of conservationists and sportsmen.
I wish you a lot of luck. My husband and I just built a home on land that has been in his family for years, 17 acres. We also built a ranch style home. The whole process was exciting and a little stressful. My advice to you, check the house progress frequently, communicate with the builder a lot, and get a dog shower in the mud room. Enjoy and take tons of pictures every step of the way.
Hi! Love the process of building a home-but boy, takes a LOT of patience. And kind of like how most child births go-I say, always expect the unexpected ?!
I have many tips and photos to share !! Good luck on your home building journey! Take lots of pics, especially with sweet Leni Bow ?
Anyway my husband and I are doing a house addition, (almost completely on our own) to what I call The Bachelor Cabin, aka our current living quarters- with 2 kids 5 & 8. They share a 10×12 room. Total living space is 800 sq ft (at best), our living room doesn’t exist anymore, it has been our bedroom for the past 5+ months! Anyway, we are hoping to be dry-walled by end of this summer and furnishing room-by-room, our completely custom, 2700 sq ft +, two story, vaulted living room, 3 bedroom, 2 1/2 bath, bonus room, office space and more! Way excited, been a long journey so far, and very grateful for the process
Love the blog Eva! I have built 4 homes. I LOVE the whole process! My family was in the building business in Wilson and Greenville for many many years. I learned so much each time I built a house and enjoyed all the new things each time! Enjoy every moment! It’ll be so worth it!!
Mollie my daughter wants to learn all about construction and how to build her own home one day. She is just over 20. Do you recommend she volunteer for a company to learn or is there a good schooling you might know of. Her dad and I unfortunately are no help. We just moved to the Raleigh area from California and just love it. We have a 14 year old boy with a pediatric cancer disease and are so grateful for Duke Medical Center here for him to transfer to.
Eva, I’m a semi-retired custom home builder three hours west on I-40 from you in the foothills town of Lenoir. I have been building for almost 50 years so I know how hectic an stressful it can be to build a new home. There are hundreds of decisions to be made but I know you will get through them an I’m sure your house will be beautiful an I can’t wait for you to post pictures of it. You are one of my friends on Facebook so you can visit my page an look on my Wayne Cox Construction page an see some of my homes an renovations, I will be posting my recent renovations in the next few days. To let you know your fathers show is one of my favorite outdoor shows. I have always admired him an you for being true sportsman an sportswoman. I have missed meeting you a couple times, once at the Raleigh show when you met your husband Tim, an at the Hickory, NC show several years ago. I look forward to seeing more of your posts an watching that beautiful little girl growing up. I have a beautiful little girl of my own age (36) an she is one of your FB friends too.
Wayne I just asked Mollie the same question and then saw your post too. I would love if you wouldn’t mind sharing with me.
My daughter wants to learn all about construction and how to build her own home one day. She is just over 20. Do you recommend she volunteer for a company to learn or is there a good schooling you might know of. Her dad and I unfortunately are no help. We just moved to the Raleigh area from California and just love it. We have a 14 year old boy with a pediatric cancer disease and are so grateful for Duke Medical Center here for him to transfer to.
Oh and if going to a construction coming any to volunteer and learn how does she get into one. She tried to put many resumes out when we got here two months ago with no response. I would love to help her with this as she has been through a lot with her brother and deserves a little break I guess. She is now working for Cabella’s and loves it.
Hi Eva!
My husband and I recently built our own home over a span of 2 years due to completing the majority of the project ourselves. The best advice I can give you is to be grateful through out the entire process. Be grateful that you are given the opportunity to embark on such an “adventure” with your wonderful family – many people in this world will never know the exciting and anxious feelings of having those blueprints in their hands. Be grateful for the challenges that will arise as they will help you and your family grow as you learn to work through them. Be grateful and appreciative for the men and women that will spend hours and labor making your dream home a reality (water and snacks help too – my husband works with concrete for a living) – a smile and a thank you go along way! Be grateful for parents and in-laws that may be overbearing and full of “interesting” decorating ideas for you – they’re so excited and happy for you. Be grateful for the support and effort your spouse will give you when you ask him to pick a favorite between brick red and rusty red – of course there’s a difference! And be very grateful that first night that you spend in your new home and thank the Lord for the journey you’ve been blessed with to get there. Best of luck to you and enjoy the process – itll be over before you know it!
P. S. Be grateful for Hobby Lobby too!
When we renovated an old
farm house I never realized how difficult it would be to pick finishing touches, paint colours, door knobs, heck even tile was a chore!! It will drive you crazy !
Love your blog Eva! I am excited for you and your family on your new home. I have never built a home, but have had many friends over the year who have, all I can say is, yes it will be stressful, but take it all in and enjoy! Fortunately you will be documenting it for your blog and will be able to look back at all the steps. Congratulations and Good Luck with all that’s ahead.
Never forget when Dot and I built our house on a hill over looking the Red River here in SW ARK. We cut Cypress logs from our land and hauled them to a ground hog Sawmill to cut into lumber to build from think we ended up with 35,000 ft. of lumber enough for a house and a shop. A lot of the trees were pecky inside made pretty paneling . We had been together since 8th grade in high school and finished our house in 1970. We raised 4 fine young ones 2 boys 2 girls had to say good bye in Jan. this year!!
What an amazing experience! Looking forward to seeing the progress over the next several months! I wish I was able to have an open floor plan. I most definitely will in our next house! Love the blog. Eva!
I work for a home improvement store and I always hear from home owners so many choices to choose from. Just remember to take it one room at a time. Love the property! Know the feeling about shooting your bow and getting looks from your neighbors. We have to check to make sure our neighbors are not out on their porch when we shoot just in case we miss and it slides through the bushes. Our goal is to buy some property and build so we don’t have to worry about hitting anyone. ? Thanks for sharing
Typically I don’t like reading at all! But I LOVE reading your blogs. Their just so interesting!
We recently moved to an acreage, best decision we have ever made! With our two year old and two month old, we definitely go outside more then we did living in the city!
We are currently doing some Reno’s in our home, with a toddler and a new born probably wasn’t the best choice! But lots of crafts, snacks and if it’s noce spending a lot of time outside lol that’s whats working for us ( kind of) lol
Good luck with the build!
I have to say we built our house 18 years ago and as the years go by I sit back and look around at things I wish I had done differently. Don’t get me wrong, I love our home. We raised two super great kids here who have now moved on to build their own lives. So with that said my advise to you is “be involved” as the construction progresses. Make sure things like electrical outlets are where you want them. It may sound like a small thing but it’s not. Good luck and I look forward to hearing and seeing the House come to life.
Love this! The smell of a new house is the best! I’m sure your house will be amazing! My family (on my husband’s side) is in South Carolina, we absolutely love visiting them, it’s gorgeous there and the weather is fantastic. Good luck picking everything out! I’m sure that’s not an easy task!
Just breathe and enjoy the journey.. building a home can be very stressful but doesn’t have to be.. pick a builder that is willing to listen and give you what you want. Enjoy..can’t wait see it, love your style
So much fun happening your way! Enjoy it all, especially precious leni bow. Time goes so unbelievably fast. As a fellow outdoorswoman, full time workin momma I can totally relate to the hustle and bustle! I love reading your blog and following your Instagram. Happy hunting!
Although we’ve never built a home we purchased an old 1982 log house 3 level approx 3000sqft.
I was voted Wholesaler of The Year in 1988 and helped hundreds of new home builders with choices of plumbing fixtures faucets water heaters.
I love the way you write and look forward to each post. Would love to see pics of your beAutiful wedding and how Tim managed to win your heart and he yours.
What a beautiful couple and family you are including Poppa Jim and Nana Weezy.
Your grandmother is so strong and BEAUTIFUL! She reminds me of the quote from Audrey Hepburn “The beauty of a woman with passing years only grows.” Much Love to you and yours!
Congratulations! We have similar dreams, a place with enough room to shoot both guns and bow without disturbing the neighbors. I want a range like Hickok45’s! Can’t wait to see photos of the progress…
Eva, make sure every door opening that you would walk through is a 3/0 door. That means they ate 36 inches wide like your front door. This will allow for a wheelchair to enter any room in the future and makes it a lot easier to get furniture in and out. Only cost a little extra for each door. Hope no one never needs it but our parents and ourselves get old if God allows us to. Good luck
Hi Eva! I love reading your blog & following you. We have built 2 houses, this last one is about 2.5 years old & I call it my forever home. One floor (we did the 2 story twice before, no more stairs for us!), on 20 acres & it sounds very much like what you’re describing. I am a mama of 3 & we all love to be outdoors, hunting, fishing & just being outside in general. I will say, building a house is no easy task, & it will seem like it’s taking FOREVER, but it’s worth it. My advice would be to not be afraid to vocalize what you really want, & choose what you really want, not what you feel rushed or pressured into choosing. We were able to take our time designing our home, & it turned out exactly how we had pictured in our minds (better actually). Best wishes in this new adventure! It’s exciting! One more thing – when we had the foundation laid, my husband, myself & our 3 kids, all wrote our names in the concrete on our back porch & then wrote EST. 2000 (when we got married). That’s a cool little addition we get to see every time we walk out on our back porch. May be cute to trace Leni’s hand or at least put her initials. I also wrote scriptures on all the concrete & wood throughout the house while it was under construction. I knew it would get covered up & no one would see it, but I wanted God’s word to literally be a part of our home, from start to finish, & I knew God was Who had blessed us with this home anyway! Enough rambling, congratulations on the home! Loved your book! Keep writing these blogs – we love to hear from you!
I have not yet but it is in my future! Just waiting for the perfect piece of land to open up! I live in a farming community in northern Minnesota and it’s hard to come by land but someday it be available. I have had my house somewhat planned for awhile but will probably change my mind a million times when it actually happens.
We built this home in Ak… after the boys graduated and started their own lives…we wish we would have done the whole thing earlier when we first moved up here over 30 years ago, so I’m glad you are starting this when LeniBow is young. We had a great time, house first then did a shop and kennel area, we liked the whole process so much that we bought land on a remote lake up here and will start the process again (perhaps less details because all lumber must be hauled out by boat or snowmachine)…so just enjoy each step of the journey no matter how small/big the details (I know you will !)
We are literally in the middle of building our house..unplanned. We lost our home and everything in it, in the Northern California wildfires in Oct. pictures our girl’s baby pictures, wedding albums, all our mounts etc. You inevitably will wish you had done something different, I forgot the pantry I had wished for. But we are at 6 mos and nearing the end. We did the same vaulted ceilings, (16 ft) and big open floorplan. With room to make more memories with our girls hunting. Enjoy the process, however it goes, it will be Home.
Investing in design is important in the building process to avoid surprises and increase efficiency. I am a landscape designer from the Texas Hill Country and love the outdoors similar to your family. I did not read mention of comprehensive design, landscape design, site planning, master planning, interior design, etc… A good landscape architect or landscape designer will bring a different perspective and can help with tie-in/transitions. The building process should include home, land, and interior designers to create a comprehensive approach—best end results in collaborative projects! A lot of one stop shop contractors that may have good intentions but best to surround yourself with a hand picked team where the individuals are running in the right lane for their specific talent/niche! Landscape design will be important for your family’s love of the outdoors—don’t wait, get someone started designing your outdoor space as soon as possible!
Hi! I love love LOVE your bag in the «about» post. ? Where did you buy it?
It’s a custom strap and swagged-out pre-owned Louis Vuitton made by the company, “Vintage Swag”! I am IN LOVE with it! You can find them on Instagram!
I am wishing you all the best on your new build. You will make so many new memories and build so much love into your new home. <3
I was raised in the country. Had a horse, chickens, dogs. I looked forward each year to deer hunting and fishing with my dad. Our family went camping each summer. I think it was a great way to grow up. I raised my kids in the country and they got to experience all those things too. I can’t think of a better way to grow up. Congratulations! Leni will be a better person for it.
Take photos throughout the process. Keepsake, but also comes in handy.
When mounting our tv, our stud finder was giving us a funny reading – I flipped through our build photos and problem solved.
Hi Eva, our family lives about 30 minutes outside of raleigh in our family farm where we built our forever home. I’m very visual so I found it easiest to start a binder with all of my ideas. I printed out Pinterest ideas as well as magizene articles. It helped keep everything organized so when the time came to choose colors or decorate I had all of my thoughts together. I had no idea that you decided on NC! We work in Raleigh but also spend a lot of time in the mountains(west jefferson) it’s a great time for families and a lot to enjoy outside! My husband is on the raleigh Fire dept. It would also be a good idea to have them out so they can get familiar with your home on surroundings in the case of an emergency. Good luck!