March 8, 2019
As you probably know by now, (because we are OBSESSED with this blessing and I can’t stop talking about it!) we’re expecting another baby!! My August due date is coming QUICK and as much as I believe Leni is going to be the best big sister, we’re definitely covering our bases to prepare her as much as possible before the baby arrives. It might be a bit of a shock for our little center-of-attention to realize she’s not the only sheriff in town anymore…and let’s not even talk about poor Piper who’s getting bumped down another notch, ha!
We’ve got a few thoughts on how we’re trying to prepare Leni to become a big sibling, and wanted to share those with y’all!
Tip 1: Include Them in The Pregnancy!
Take them to an ultrasound appointment to see the baby moving, or show them the ultrasound pictures. Even with the age Leni is, she kiiiiind of gets it! She always says “Baby in Mama’s tummy!” and points to my belly, or grabs my hand and shows me the ultrasound that’s hanging on the fridge. It’s so sweet to watch your growing baby bump and the excitement of the older sibling as they get to experience it for the first time!
Tip 2: Be Around (Little!) Babies
Practice makes perfect, right?! Trying to be around small babies or just babies younger than Leni has proven to be super helpful, and her reactions are the CUTEST to other adorable little ones. If you don’t have access to any sweet teensy babies, point them out at the store or on outings and make a fun deal about it.
Tip 3: Show Them Baby’s Things
I posted on my Instagram stories recently about Cabela’s sending us sweet gifts for the baby AND the rest of us, but Leni was so fixated on the baby’s things! We’ve begun showing her small things we have for the baby and telling her it’s for baby a ton to get her used to this crazy, far-out idea of sharing both attention AND things. We’ve been trying to get her used to seeing our favorite baby gear around the house, and so far she’s been hoarding all the baby gifts in her toy box… It’s all a work in progress, right?!
Tip 4: Talk about the baby, a LOT.
If you talk about the baby, look at pictures of babies, or can be around babies a lot it will DEFINITELY lessen the shock factor from what we’ve heard from mamas who have been there and done that with having a new baby and a toddler or big kid. We are talking about the baby and pointing my belly out to Leni a lot, so it’s helping her understand and get prepared for the best friend she’ll ever have–she just doesn’t quite grasp that yet.
I can’t even imagine how busy we’re about to get, (and how much more often you’ll see me rocking my 4-Minute Mom Bun!) but all I know is how stinkin’ excited we are to watch Leni become a big sister to this incredible miracle baby we’re expecting in August. We really believe preparation is key to anything you do—whether it’s a huge outdoor hunting excursion, or the important task of preparing all members of your family before it grows. Now, if only this baby would actually let me EAT MEAT (and not just straight carbs… which is what I’ve been living off for months), we’d be pretty much all set!
What are some of your tips and tricks for preparing kids to become a big sibling?! Drop them in the comments below, because mamas need allllll the help we can get!
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We have a 2.5 year old and an 8 month old we did basically everything you are doing now. Also when our second was born we had a gift from the baby to our first when she came to meet her at the hospital. She was so excited to see the baby and so excited to get a present she didn’t really notice that I couldn’t get up and play with her. The biggest struggle we had was after the baby was born our oldest kept trying to hold her sister. I explained to her over and over she needs my help to hold her. But I ended up making sure I had a baby seat in the bathroom to take the baby with me so that they weren’t unsupervised for even a second. She’s gotten much better now but now we are struggling with the attention end now that the baby is getting older. But our baby also has had a lot of medical problems and ended up needing open heart surgery which has caused a lot more attention on her. It’s all about balance and I am positive you all will adjust quickly. I’ve always heard it’s the hardest going from 1 to 2… it’s been a struggle but such a blessing to have two beautiful babies!
Try to plan special days for just you and Leni soon after the baby is born. And include Leni in everything and have her feed her doll babies or change her doll babies diapers whenever you are.
My daughter is 2 months younger than Leni and I have a baby due in October. Our kids will have the same age difference between them so I’ve been following you to see how Leni handles it so I can maybe know how my daughter, Oakleigh, may handle it. But of course, every child is different. Also, will you be doing a gender reveal? I can’t wait to find out what you’re having!
We are so excited for your family! We follow your blog and insta all day everyday. My daughter Harper is just a few weeks younger than Leni (march 21st she’ll be TWO) and we are expecting baby #2 in October. So, I’m definitely soaking up all your tips and tricks. Thank you!
With all the gifts the new baby will get, she may feel left out. Get Leni a gift that she can share with the new baby. Maybe something like a picture book that Leni can read to her sibling.
Hi guys,
Congratulations New babies are always exciting. I have have worked with children 6 weeks to 2 years for over 30 years, and have seen many children become big sisters or brothers. Yes including them is the big one.
But I also noticed one on one time away helps. Say dad stays with the baby and you and Leni do a girls time. It could be the library where only big girls pick out a book, or just her helping you at the store
Then maybe a dad and Leni time
What ever it is keep reminding her she gets to do this because she is such a great helper and that will make her a great big sister. Maybe even a night at grandma and grandpa because only she can go cuz she is such a big girl but it also gives you guys a night with just the baby once in a while Also have her do some art work that you could cram for the baby’s room like at gift to her sibling
Well you have it down pat the way you are prepping Leni with baby number 2. Its the exactly same way we did. My son was a month from being 2 when our daughter was born. And exposing him to other small babies and letting him hold them was so sweet to see. And when my dau was born I tried to include him into helping whether it was bringing me a pamper, burp rag, clothes whatever I knew he could reach and I knew he enjoyed every bit. You will have a full time job of keeping your eyes on the baby making sure the toddler is gentle He wanted always give her some loving but he was just quite a bit to rough sometimes. And the toddler will need some one on one time as well too. Just so she wont feel to left out Leni Bow will be an amazing big sister tho. She is the sweetest little girl! You got this momma. Y’all are doin great! Oh another tip is SLEEP when the babies sleep. Or have someone take the babies so you can sleep. That will be your best friend the first while as well as coffee ?
Get her a baby doll and show her how to hold and care for it. When baby comes let her be involved as much as possible and make her your little helper. My daughter was 2.5 when I had my son and she loved getting the diapers and wipes during changes. Grabbing a blanket, turning on the swing, helping with bath time, I would even pump milk so she could feed him. Any little things to make them feel involved is important. My daughter was also the center of attention, but had no problem with the transition. Leni will be just fine.
Do a big sister package for when you go into the hospital!
Love the big sister package idea!
Eva, I am 7 weeks pregnant and the only thing I’ve been able to eat is also carbs – sigh. Any suggestions on healthy carbs/recipes you’re eating would be great. I don’t want to gain a ton in the first couple of months just because of what I’ve been eating, especially since I usually try and eat healthy but this baby wants NOTHING but carbs – help!
Patience!! Lots of patients lol with yourself, kiddos, life!! I have 6 kids. 5 between 8 and 13 and a 6 month old baby. It can be total chaos when everyone wants to help or wants attention. I’ve had to learn patience, in fact I’m still learning! Remember to enjoy it. It goes by so fast!
We have 4 kiddos ages 7, 5, 4, and 2. There is a 19mo gap between our #1 & #2, a 19mo gap between #2 & #3, and a 21mo gap between #3 & #4. No matter how much we prepared them all before a new baby there was still a period of time that was rough right after baby came. But it passes before you know it! Good luck!
My oldest daughter is 4, and my youngest daughter will be 9 months on the 7th of May. Youngest was born August 7th, my birthday is the 12th of August. I feel your pain with the 2nd pregnancy. I was miserable and I was a stay at home mom this time around where as with my first i was on my feet 8 hours a day at work. Be ready for jealousy, she won’t necessarily say that she is but she will show it in other ways. My oldest would and still does some still, that I feed her sister too much. One funny thing is when she started seeing me breastfeed she asked why I fed her sister that way and I explained that mommy makes special milk just for babies. For some reason that worked. Congrats to your family and wish you all the best, hang in there.
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