December 3, 2020
Ladiesss! This Gift Guide is for YOU and PACKED with all my essentials from beauty products to outdoor finds to the BEST foodie appliances. I LOVE the Holidays soooo much and honestly it’s not about the gifts but it’s definitely fun to have a wish list. Here’s what’s on mine and what I think would be a GREAT addition to yours for yourself or your sisters/friends/etc!! I also added CODES so you can Christmas shop and do it with discountsssss.
Will any of these items make it onto your wish-list?! Let me know in the comments and stay tuned for other GIFT GUIDES!!
– Eva
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Thank you thank you, I was not sure where I could pick up Eva’s Collagen Peptides at. I’m so glad that you put this on the list!! I’m also wondering where have you got your lazy Susan at, that you have in your house?? So excited to place my order cannot wait!!
Eva you are such an inspiration to us fellow female huntress ❤️ Have yet to purchase or read your book ? but definitely #1 on my list for this winter! Love your new show! Leni and Boone are the absolute CUTEST ???
Best Wishes and God Bless ❤️???
My wishlist is the wooden bowl. I love everything out of wood. My cutting boards and etc. I’m a fan of wooden stuff.
I absolutely love your lists! Being a mom of two little boys, my self care definitely lacks. Going to have to look into getting some of these gifts. Hope you & your family have a blessed & Merry Christmas!
Hello Eva, I have written to you before about being a first time bow hunter and which bow is the best choice for women. I keep going back to the ES bow you designed as being the best choice. The only problem is why did you guys have to put such a large price tag on this great product? I know you pay for what you get and that to some that price does not seem like much but to someone on disability it seems huge 🙂 I have a great love for the outdoors since childhood as my family vacations were always camping trips and we cut wood for heat. Growing up in Oregon I have been an outdoor girl all my life and I rifle hunted for most of it but due to some disabilities I am now a bow hunter. Is there any bow giveaways coming up that I can enter or do you know of any? I have started saving for that ES bow of yours and you can bet your pantaloons that I will find a way to get it one day. Thank you and God Bless.
Hi Eva, thanks for the excellent gift ideas. I caught S1 E4 of your show, and I really liked it. Keep up the amazing creativity in showcasing our hunting and outdoor lifestyles.
What would you suggest for a woman interested in the outdoors but absolutely new to it?
Thank the lord we are free to pick and choose to work for an buy an live in this great land thank you Jesus my savior
Hey Eva! This might be a dumb question but can men use your mtn ops collegen as well?
Hope you & your family have a blessed & Merry Christmas!
I wish you guys a merry Christmas From my family to yours