5 Easy Ways to Simplify Your Life

  1. Kristen Taylor says:

    These are so good. Thanks for sharing!

  2. Anna Hanes says:

    We are blessed to live on the St. Johns River in a very rural part of central Florida and my favorite way to unwind is going for a boat ride with my husband. We often see bald eagles, alligators and other beautiful wildlife. It is, of course, accompanied by a nice glass of wine!!
    Thanks for the tips on how to simplify my life.

  3. Hi Eva,
    When I was in college taking a journalism class I had a professor who took us out of class to a beautiful pond located on the campus grounds. He told us to remain quiet and just listen and observe what is going on around us. After an hour he told us to write a paper on this. This is still one of my favorite exercises to clear the mind and to slow down and waken up your senses.
    Have a great day.
    Charles from Central Texas

  4. Coree’ says:

    Love the way you write and reason with things! Thanks for being a positive influence on life and family.

  5. Laura L says:

    Love these! Such simple ideas that we don’t give enough thought to. Thanks for sharing! Just love you Eva! Your Such a wonderful influence for women or anyone really for today’s world.

  6. Caitlin Olson says:

    I really appreciate the example you set and for keeping it real, especially for us first time mamas 🙂

    I’ve been trying out Mtn Ops’s Slumber for the past 3 weeks and have been pairing it with a good book in bed at the end of the night. It has turned into an unexpectedly beloved ritual and a perfect way to leave the day where it falls and snag some much needed quiet time.

  7. Teresa Harris says:

    Love this!

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