Baby Number Two is a…

  1. Schley Culpepper says:

    I’ve been dying to know the gender! Finally! Congrats on a little boy blessing! God’s timing is always perfect! Jeremiah 29:11

  2. Brett says:

    Yahoo! I was 3 months ahead of you last time and now you’re 3 months ahead of me! Also had a miscarriage in between too. The love and joy continues though!! Boy here too!!!

  3. Kari Finnegan says:

    Yay!!! Congratulations! Boys are so fun!!

  4. Kristin says:

    Congratulations!! Ahhh, that’s why you’re all on blue in your pregnancy announcement! As a boy mom myself, they can be so very wild but the sweet hugs and “Love you moms” are indescribable.

  5. Ben Santell says:

    Dear Eva & Tim,
    Congratulations on your upcoming baby Boy we are so excited for you both. I know Tim has to be over filled with Joy along with Grandpa Jim LOL.
    God bless you all and prayers be with you on your adventure expanding your family.

  6. Elle says:

    A BOY!! Congratulations!!! What an absolute blessing! You are so right, it’s God’s plan and it’s all in his timing. We have been trying for two years and IVF isn’t an option for us. I know if it is God’s will, it WILL be done one way or another!

  7. Kaitlyn McCall says:

    Congratulations!!! So excited for all of you! Prayers for a continued healthy pregnancy and birth. ?

  8. Lacey Cearley says:

    So exciting!!! I have one of each too and it was a challenge going from girl to boy but I love it. Mine are 6 years apart and it was a shock. You are all the sweetest!

  9. Kerri says:

    Congrats!!! I too had a daughter and then a son. They are totally different! You will easily love him as much as Leni (I also struggled with that worry). Congrats again and may the rest of your pregnancy be a breeze!

  10. Mandi Garcia says:

    Welcome to the boy mom club . As a mother of three boys I can tell you it is an amazing and adventurous ride. So happy for you and your family ! Prayers for continued health and the birth of a healthy happy bouncing baby boy.

  11. Stephanie says:

    Congrats Eva! I found out last weekend that we too are having a boy! #boymomsunite So excited for this new adventure!

  12. Shannon Ferguson says:

    Congratulations on a boy!! Everyone needs at least one of each gender!!

  13. Nikki says:

    My family went through very similar experiences. Had our daughter, miscarriage 1.5 later, then finally when our daughter was 5 we got pregnant with a boy. I never knew how i could love both, but its such an amazing feeling and the love for each is very strong really different as well. Its a beautiful thing!

  14. Tyeen says:

    I knew it!!! Congratulations ❤

  15. Abby Vernoga says:

    Congratulations! I had a girl first as well and she turned 2 in March. Having a boy sometime this month ?

  16. Betsy Kelley says:

    I am so happy and excited for you. Your have a precious little family and just imagine how much love and new memories are on the way. I enjoy all of your posts and pics so much as they are just what I need some days. Thank you for sharing your journey and for continuing to be an inspiration to so many.

  17. Britta says:

    SO EXCITING!! I have a 2 (almost 3) year old girl & just gave birth to a baby boy. We also wanted 1 boy & 1 girl! I had the same feelings you do about how you’d feel when a baby boy comes along after having a daughter this whole time.. but boy that connection between mama & her son is just something. So many times I’ve teared up looking at him just because I love him so much!! Congrats to your sweet little fam on the best news ever!!!

  18. Jamie says:

    Yay boys are so fun!!! Sorry that you had a rough go getting pregnant and sorry for your loss on your baby. I hope the rest of your pregnancy is a breeze and you have a healthy delivery.. so exciting! ?❤❤

  19. Melissa Mayerhofer says:

    Congratulations. So happy for your little family. Having a little boy and girl is amazing-

  20. Dominique Semzock says:


  21. Danielle says:

    Congratulations! My first child was a boy and I secretly wanted a girl so I had the same worry as you…fast forward to him being born and I could NOT love him anymore!! There’s just something about a momma and her son 🙂 now I have two boys and a newborn baby girl and it’s crazy how much love you have in your heart that you never knew was there!

  22. Nerea Heida says:

    Congratulations! I have the same at home, a two year old little girl and just recently had my little guy. He’s one month old. You will love him equally as much, they are both so special and different! I honestly struggled with the same thoughts, but it’s been so fun. Best wishes on the rest of your pregnancy!

  23. Miranda says:

    Aahhh wonderful news!! So happy for you guys! And as for the pink and purple toys, kids don’t see the colour lol! My oldest was a son then we had daughters, they played with boy toys! I even got a pair of monster jam pjs that they all wore! As for when they get older ? that’s when the dramatics start lol. Congrats again to you all ❤️❤️❤️❤️

  24. Katie says:

    Holy smokes girlfriend! I am SO excited for your little family of 4! Ekk! Congratulations! Love following your life via Instagram/blog! Cheers to future skinned knees and lots of nerf gun fights!

  25. Katie says:

    Holy smokes girlfriend! So exciting! Ekk! Congratulations! Love following your life via Instagram/blog! Here’s to future skinned up knees and lots of nightly nerf gun fights!

  26. Amy Davis says:

    I am so happy and excited for you and Tim! (and Leni)
    May God continue to Bless your family as your journey through this wonderful life goes on.

  27. Kelsey Lachman says:

    I am so excited for you, Tim, Leni and Piper! What an exciting time! I can’t wait to see all the cute outfits you put your little guy in!

  28. Linda Thompson says:

    Congratulations!! I had a strong feeling it was a boy.. You will have lots of love for both your precious babies ?

  29. Heather Higdon says:

    Congratulations!!!! So happy for your family!!

  30. Amy Pendleton says:

    Congratulations to you and your sweet family, Eva! Welcome to the boy mom club. It’s like no other??Praying for a smooth last trimester and delivery! Can’t wait to see him and how he blends right in with your already beautiful family??

  31. Dana Wenzel says:

    ?Congratulations to your growing family! ???

  32. April Chapman-Bays says:

    Could not wait for this! So super glad you are having a boy now Leni can be a princess just in case she don’t want to hunt! But that is every boys dream and that is where bonding with him comes into play… It will be wonderful either way! You are my everyday watch on Instagram! You made Hawaii look awesome and my husband wants to go and hunt axis deer!! I wish the best for you today and everyday!! Remember to hug Tim and kiss Leni! Have a good day!!

  33. April Chapman-Bays says:

    Could not wait for this! So super glad you are having a boy now Leni can be a princess just in case she don’t want to hunt! But that is every boys dream and that is where bonding with him comes into play… It will be wonderful either way! You are my everyday watch on Instagram! You made Hawaii look awesome and my husband wants to go and hunt axis deer!! I wish the best for you today and everyday!! Remember to hug Tim and kiss Leni! Have a good day!!

  34. Sarah Knerr says:

    Congratulations Eva, Tim and Leni Bow! So excited that your newest addition is a little boy! Such a blessing! Thank you for always being so real and transparent! Praying for you through the pregnancy, birth and transition to a family of 4!

  35. Megan Gilbert says:

    Congratulations! That is so exciting! I went through the exact same thing. We wanted them 2 years apart, but we had a miscarriage and soon after we’re pregnant with a little boy. My daughter and son are almost 3 years apart, but it’s so perfect! You’ll love every minute of it.

  36. Heather Katz says:

    Congratulations May he be healthy and happy congratulations again

  37. Kristy says:

    Congratulations !!! Little boys are amazing I have two !!

  38. Brenda F. says:

    Congrats!!! I love following your journey as we are only 1 week apart (or so) on our due dates
    My husband and I are having a boy as well!!! Praying the rest of your pregnancy goes nice and easy!!!

  39. Janan says:

    Congrats!!!! You will be amazed at how that mama love multiplies the second they are placed in your arms. You will love that baby boy just as much as Leni.

    I’ve got 3 girls and we are expecting a boy in October!!! I’m so excited to shop in the boy section! 14 years of girls everything – boy land is so exciting!

  40. Sherry Liguori says:

    Congratulations Eva! I am so happy for you, Tim and Leni. A little boy will just add the love you already have for Leni. God Bless you today and always. xoxox

  41. Lex says:

    Congrats Eva! I hope your pregnancy is smooth sailing from here.

  42. Jacky says:

    Ohhh congrats!!! I too had a girl first and boy second so I can totally relate to “how can I POSSIBLY love another soul as much as this little girl?!” Baby boys give you a different kind of love (girls are very independent right?!) and of course your mama’s heart will be twice as full ??
    You are beautiful xx

  43. Amber Lynn says:

    Congratulations!!! I’m also pregnant with baby #2 (ivf/boy) and my daughter will be 3 when he is born! I love that your story is so similar to mine. Makes me feel normal ?!! And these toddler girls ??‍♀️ Aka diva’s!!! Lol
    So happy for you and your family!

  44. Amy Hunter says:

    Aw, congrats to your little family!

  45. Britt says:

    We just had our second, a boy! Our first is a girl and they are 2.5 years apart. I totally felt like I could never love another baby as much as I love my first. Especially a boy. LIES! Lol. It’s such a different kind of love. They are just born a mommas boy and instantly your heart will melt! ❤️ Congrats! Love keeping up with you and your fam!

  46. Kristina Anderson says:

    Congrats to you and your little family! So happy for you guys! Leni will be such a great big sister. ?

  47. Brittney says:

    I am almost 14 weeks and can not eat meats like I use too. I thought I was crazy at first but maybe not! The only meat I can eat is chick-fil-a nuggets.

  48. Jen says:

    Congrats! I’m also due in August and also 25 weeks pregnant and also having a boy and habe also suffered with PCOS and also in my 30’s ?! Keep up the good work and inspiring so many and sharing your love of God! God Bless!

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