August 12, 2019
If there’s any buzzword or “hot” term out there right now that is going to get my attention, it’s probably self-care. I’ve realized that parents may just be THE busiest people on earth (jokes on pre-baby Eva who thought she was sooooo busy–HA!) and finding spare minutes in the day to refuel yourself can be seriously tough: and it isn’t just about doing something once a month. It is going to be EVERY.SINGLE.DAY–but isn’t your sanity as a parent worth that?! Don’t your kiddos deserve the best version of you, and not the run-down, ragged, easily irritable and exhausted version of you? And if you aren’t a parent, I’m sure you keep yourself busy enough that these tips can DEFINITELY apply to you too! I’m entirely too guilty of trying to squeeze every second out of the day to get work done, keep the house going, play with Leni and sleep when I’m dead: and it’s time to slow my roll a little bit for everyone’s sake. Even though the tips I’m about to give range from free to a bit of an investment, you should consider yourself worth it.
Wake Up Earlier– Pleeeeeease don’t come after me with the pitchforks for this one, but have you ever gotten up with the sun and padded barefoot around the house, preparing a cup of coffee and letting yourself wake up slowly? SO relaxing, and it gives you such a pleasant jumpstart on the day. I think it’s comparable to my next tip…
Stay Up Late- That joke about wanting to stay up later to get a minute to yourself, but also wanting to go to bed because you are WORN the heck out could not be more true–it’s a struggle. However, it’s definitely amazing to get a whole house to yourself: be it for bad-tv watching (The Bachelorette is my guilty pleasure and I’m not sorry) or to read a book, write, or quietly do anything that gives you joy. I’m not the best morning person so this is often my preference to get a little bit of “me time.”
Treat Yo Self–Listen, I love being healthy and working out as much as the next person, but sometimes you just have to go get a chocolate scone and a coffee while your child is at preschool/daycare/with a grandparent/etc. If they aren’t in school, snag one for nap time to indulge in. And, if they don’t nap and aren’t in school or have a place to hang out for you to get some respite…you are in my prayers. But seriously though; there is something so indulgent about a treat like that every once and awhile.
Let Someone Else Cook– Again, I love cooking SO much, but after a hectic day it feels like the normal joy of cooking dissipates and is instead replaced with some serious dread. If you have a good (relatively!) healthy option nearby, let THEM do the cooking: grab it for takeout and come home to minimal mess and waaaay less dinner time stress and more time to spend with your family. HomeChef is also a key solution to cooking burnout, because I don’t have to plan a SINGLE aspect of it.
Get a Pedicure- This goes for moms AND dads, because there is nooooo shame in the pedicure game. If they’re open and operating in smart ways near where you live, it’s bound to be a mood changer. Everyone needs a leg massage and cuticle care once in awhile, and a pedicure is the best way to zone out for an hour every few weeks when your kiddo is with another caregiver. Or, alternatively, if you have a kid who’s old enough to get one, take them with you! It’s not going to be the spa day for the ages, but it will be an amazing way to sneak in some self-care while also still creating memories with your child.
Go Somewhere–I read somewhere recently that a couple agreed upon a 2/2/2 rule when they got married: every 2 weeks, they would go on a date. Every 2 months, they would go away for a night–and every 2 years, they’d go away for a week. This. is. GOALS. Holy smokes, I wishhhhh Tim and I could be on this schedule, but it’s an awesome thing to shoot for and is definitely the kind of thing that would be amazing to “fill your cup,” and to continue the creative work it takes to make a marriage a whole and healthy one. You could also make this promise to yourself, if you prefer, and instead of going away alter it to visiting family, going somewhere you’ve never been, or just doing something that makes you feel excited and refreshed. Also–NO guilt allowed, y’all.
I’m about to have TWO little people who depend on me on a daily basis, as well as a husband, business, house, dog…the list goes on and on for us all, doesn’t it?! I’m a firm believer that you can’t do anything well if you’re not taking care of yourself–and while some self-care isn’t practical at every stage of the game (I can’t take a lavender bath everyday, y’all) it is worthwhile to find out what makes you feel taken care of and valued…because it matters!!
See you for more posts soon!
(Photo credit to the woooonderful Jennifer Wilson Photography!)
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What is the brand of the weighted blanket you shared in your IG story?
I believe you mentioned it was great for the summer months.
It’s from Blanquil! I just posted a code on my IG stories!
I love every bit of this! And as a mom of two kids, I’ve learned how important it is to take care of you. It’s so hard to slow your roll sometime but it makes you a better mom and wife. Even if that date night is a glass of wine on the porch after the kids go to bed, get it in. One of my favorite things is getting pedicures with my daughter and their undivided time. Thanks for this great post and good luck on #2!
OMG I needed to read this today. Thank you for your inspiration.
For me, your timely post was so uplifting! Although I’m 65yo and no babies, newly retired this year to be full time caregiver for my Dad who passed early July. My mom and sister (with cognitive disabilities) still look for me but I’m loving and rejoicing God puts people like you Eva Shockey in my path to encourage and be encouraged! Keep us thinking Eva ??
Love the 2/2/2 rule, great idea ! My me time treat is often a pedicure ! My local spa is great, nothing beats a foot rub, and relaxing lounge in a massage chair and having a hot coffee brought right to you ! ?
???? This! As a mama with a 3mo old and a 3yr old going from one to Two was the hardest transition for me. I literally mourned the loss of just the “three” of us when we became four. Then I felt guilty for being sad that it wasn’t just the three of us, because I also loved this new baby girl soooo much. Self care is so important and your very right we can’t do our job as moms well if we don’t care for ourselves at first.
I needed to read this today! As a wife and busy mom of three, self care always ends up at the bottom of my to-do list. But I am making myself a priority again and can’t wait to see the benefits of some “self-care”!
YES!! Love that 2/2/2 rule! I need to give myself more credit and a break every once in a while- especially with Baby #1 on the way (due this deer season)! <3
Eva! Speaking of self care, what is your skincare routine?
Hey Eva, I watch all of your insta stories and I’m kind of obsessed with all Butcher Box, Hello Fresh and Thrive.
I know you post what on your stories what a lot your favorite snacks are from Thrive, but if you could list some of them again, that would be so great. Also do you order meats from Thrive or only Butcher Box?
I am a big hunter too and usually have my freezer stocked but a bad car accident a year ago hasn’t allowed me to hunt the past two seasons and I’m freaking about my meat selection slowly disappearing from the freezer! SOS girl!!!
Also, I don’t know if this is the proper way to send you questions ??